Kidneys For Jesus

In 2003 Jon Ronson, journalist and writer, finished producing a two part article (Blood Sacrifice) and a video documentary (Kidneys For Jesus) about Jesus Christian kidney donations.
Jon had earlier written a fairly positive piece about the false allegations of kidnapping 16 year old Bobby Kelly, and claimed he would also do a positive story about kidney donations featuring the Jesus Christians. However, instead of doing his best to promote live kidney donations, Jon decided to focus on whether or not the Jesus Christians were a "kidney cult" coercing its members to give the "gift of life".
Watch the videos, read the articles and hear our comments about both Jon's Blood Sacrifice articles and his Kidneys For Jesus film.
Jon Ronson's Works: Watch the "Kidneys For Jesus" documentary and read Jon Ronson's publish articles on the subject.
Comments on "Kidneys For Jesus": Read our comments on the "Kidneys For Jesus" documentary and the scandals that followed.
Other Related Articles: Read other news items related to the donations featured in the "Kidneys For Jesus" film.