Welcome to our Teachings Page!
New Articles: New articles will appear here for a few months, and then go into the categories below.
Our teachings are organized into the following categories:
- The Top Forty: Our most popular classic articles.
- Jesus & Money: The fundamentals of our faith can be found here.
- Churches & Theology: Punchy stuff exposing the difference between religion and Christianity.
- Deep Thoughts: Personal growth and a call to humility and sincerity.
- Endtime & Sex: Two controversial subjects and the links between them.
- Inspirationals: When the going gets tough, we need to stay focused on what's important.
- Leadership: We should all be maturing and helping others mature spiritually.
- Leftovers: A bit of this and a bit of that.
- Quaker Similarities: Prayer, politics and more from Quaker and Jesus Christian perspectives.
- Strong Meat: Everyone needs a hard word at times, but not everyone can handle one.
Verse Cards: Memorise our selection of the most significant verses in the bible.
Crosswords: Test yourself on what you have read or just do some for fun!
Reels: Short videos of Bible verses.