Deep Thoughts
After the first few articles (on prayer and fasting), there is, in many of the remaining essays, a dark emphasis on such things as backsliding, death, suicide, insanity and judgment.
A bit depressing perhaps, and yet there are, even in these sober thoughts, reasons for growth, hope and salvation.
Take the time to read each one slowly, and to let the full significance sink in.

We've learned a lot from sociology; but the problem with all science is that, by its own definition, it never has the right to pass moral judgments. Nothing is seen as being evil except passing judgment itself. But for those of us who have the responsibility to make moral decisions, it is spiritual suicide to turn loose of our right and responsibility to recognise the difference between right and wrong.
Thou Shalt Judge,
How We Differ from Systemites, and
Reject Us, Reject God.)
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A radical approach to fasting which just happens to be a radically Christian approach to dieting as well. It could result in bigger miracles than just a change in your weight. (See also
No Fatties in Heaven?)
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If you don't have anything worth dying for, then it is questionable whether you have anything worth living for. Character has gone out of fashion, but it is still what makes life (and death) meaningful.
(See also
The True Conscience, and
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This article expands on earlier comments about tolerance. It shows how, in the name of tolerance, an ideology can be developed which effectively silences all dissent.
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Written on 24 December, 2015.
Dave questions events recorded in the Gospels in the light of modern medical science.
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Are there various levels of commitment to Christ? Are we each free to follow some of his commands while putting others on hold? What about people who sincerely love God, but who belong to other groups? Find the answers in this challenging article.
(See also
Reject Us, Reject God, and
Divine Authority.)
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Fundamentalists are the blindest of all sinners, because they fear change. Have you put God in a box, that does not allow him to change you?
(See also
Dogmas, and
Fear Not!.)
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A young woman who visited with us for a few weeks in both Kenya and the U.K. tells of the outlandish reaction she received when she returned home.
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After watching the movie "Interstellar", Dave discusses the idea that Black holes could be "gateways into Eternity" and that the New Jerusalem could be something like them, outside of time and space.
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A challenge to younger members of our community to develop a personal relationship with God.
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A Christian look at the subject of gluttony and being overweight. It considers a range of different approaches to obesity, and then settles on one that worked for this writer in a way that the others had not. Strangely, it stemmed from thoughts about Bible prophecy!
(See also
Fasting Without Ceasing.)
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More of a mellowing message comes through in this call for us to appreciate both sides (Liberal and conservative) on a wide range of Christian and secular teachings. Strengths and weaknesses of both are discussed in an attempt to achieve the right balance.
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People everywhere are running away from the truth. But what they are running from is not the horror that they imagine. All that Jesus taught is aimed at making our lives meaningful, happy, exciting and worthwhile.
(See also
Smile, God Loves You!)
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There is a tendency for highly educated people to start thinking that they are too smart to be bothered with faith in a real God. This article focuses on how that has happened in the field of medicine in particular.
(See also
Heal the Sick.)
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We believe that people who experience mental breakdowns have experienced a genuine spiritual reality that is unknown to the bulk of "normal" society. But being genuine and being "good" are not necessarily the same. The path from hell to heaven may require people to return to the material world and its seemingly shallow existence.
(See also
Faithfulness: Some Thoughts.)
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Cherry sounds a warning to community members who think that maturity means doing their own thing, and not heeding advice. The longer we ignore advice, the more we prove our immaturity, and the more likely that we will be dealt with harshly next time.
(See also
Moral Adults and
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Hypocrisy is contrasted with Sincerity, and we are warned about where a lack of sincerity will ultimately lead us.
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Simon discusses the paradox about how many very basic spiritual truths escape the comprehension of the masses because we just don't have the eyes to see them.
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Jesus claimed that the people who build monuments to the prophets of the past are exactly the kind of people who would kill the prophets of the present. Dave examines and explains this surprising paradox.
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Such concepts as "first love", "born again", "faith of a child", "the last shall be first", "new bottles", and "God has chosen the foolish things" are woven together to show the New Testament emphasises on being flexible, and the need to stay hungry for more and more truth rather than becoming hard and self-righteous about what we already have.
(See also
Lest You Fall, and
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This is similar to the article,
A Martyr Complex, except that it deals specifically with the dilemma regarding kidney donations and media coverage. Are kidney donations on a par with giving alms (i.e. helping the needy, which we have been commanded to do secretly), healing people (which Jesus generally hushed up, but which he also used as proof of his authority on occasions); or could it be that they are part of the persecution that Jesus promised would come to his true followers, and the very thing that he instructed us to let shine like a light for all the world to see? This article may not give clear answers to these questions, but it does ask them more clearly than we ever have in the past.
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Almost two years after the Jesus Christians "disbanded", Dave reflects on how things have progressed.
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Are the teachings of Jesus impossible, or just improbable, given that they are almost always going to lead to serious problems in our efforts to be accepted by others? We may, none of us, ever actually obey some of the things that he said; but it's not really because they are impossible. It's because we find them too extreme or too challenging.
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Are you following God, or following an organisation? Without a conviction that God has called you personally to do something, it will always be easy to blame others if things do not work out as you had planned.
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There are times when knowing the answers can be a curse. The right application of this knowledge in our own lives, on the other hand, is the source of redemption.
(See also
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We attempted to outline to a Jewish film producer the problems he would encounter if he tried to get church leaders to comment on why they oppose us. The producer was not personally interested in thinking through the issues we have raised here, but the letter has been preserved in order to help others to think about the issues.
(See also
Why Did They Kill Jesus?.)
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Surprisingly, Dave supports the idea of deathbed conversions, and even suggests that they are the only genuine conversions. This article was triggered by the death of his father shortly before it was written.
(See also
The Cross, and
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Writing from the Refugee Embassy in Woomera, Dave sees in suicide bombers, fasts to the death, Jonestown, and kamikaze pilots a willingness to die for what one believes in, which intimidates the rest of society, and causes us to react irrationally.
(See also
The American Dream.)
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The teachings of Jesus take up where science leaves off, answering questions that science can never answer about the meaning of life. The teachings of Jesus give a "window into the mysteries of the universe."
(See also
Christian Science.)
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This article deals with understanding people who are sick. Teachings that sickness comes from the devil can lead to self-righteousness on the part of those who are healthy. In reality, suffering and apparent failure may be God's path to spiritual victory.
(See also
Heal the Sick, and
No Fatties in Heaven?.)
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Ross has suffered from depression for many years, but shares here how faith in God has always pulled him through. He asks why people in Western society commit suicide, and stresses the need for faith in God to pull you through.
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