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Enlarge the place of your tent... lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. --Isaiah 54:2

The world today is suffocating under a mountain of small visions.

Why settle for a new church building, an Olympic gold medal, or the presidency of the United States when you can have so much more? If you win the lottery, make it to the top of your profession, or receive an O.B.E., is it going to mean anything at all one minute after you are dead?

We were put on this earth to learn to live in harmony with our Creator. Nothing else that we can achieve will ever make up for our spiritual emptiness if we miss out on that.

The masses of humanity continue to be sucked into meaningless pursuits and competitions in the proverbial rat race, when they could achieve spiritual greatness with the minimum of physical and mental ability.

Simple honesty and obedience to God is the key. But these qualities are extremely rare in this darkest of all dark ages.

A few of us have committed all that we have and are to being totally honest and obedient to God. We have discovered legions of spiritual forces prepared to fight against us in this resolution; but we have also discovered a partnership with God that turns the humblest duties into eternal spiritual triumphs.

We are planting seeds of truth that are shaking the very foundations of the world. We are causing ripples that have already circled the globe.

As we continue to follow God's simple instructions, we are confident that history itself is being made by our obedience.

But we, too, must learn to expand our vision.

Let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all people. (Galatians 6:9-10)

We will achieve the most lasting results if we will take time every day to listen to God. Remember: Listening is our most important job.

It is so easy to waste time on projects, pastimes, occupations, and people of our own choosing when, by listening to the still, small voice of God guiding us each day, we can be led into doing exactly the right tasks at precisely the right moments.

Are the channels of communication between you and God open and clear? Or are they clogged up with reservations about how far you are willing to go in obeying his voice if he does speak?

He alone has the formula for what it will take to turn this day into one of historic importance.

But you will never hear it if you don't take time to tune in and listen. True greatness will only come as we maintain that heavenly link.

(See also A Sense of His Story.)

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