Jesus and Money
The fundamentals of our faith are to be found in the fifty articles contained on this page. They start with several articles about the Jesus whom we serve, lead to articles about money in general and living by faith in particular, and finish with some "disciples only" material discussing God's love for the poor, and how one manages finances while living our unusual lifestyle.

This is a boast in the face of cult-busters, that the criticisms they make of us personally have not even begun to scratch the surface of our impenetrable position with regard to the teachings of Jesus. As Jesus himself promised us, if we build on his teachings, the storms of persecution will not shake our foundation.
(See also
We Believe in Jesus Christ.)
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Real faith is so simple that most people stumble over it in their quest for something complex and ritualistic. Real faith changes people; but real faith in Jesus is almost non-existent today.
(See also
The Top Forty.)
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Dave wrote this while in prison, in March, 2001. He shared it with his cell mates, who were full of religious cliches, but short on real faith. The only kind of faith that can save people, is faith in Jesus. Don't fall for some pious sounding, but lesser object of faith. An excellent "salvation" tract.
(See also
False Christs, and
So, Who ARE They Following?)
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This brief article lists some of the trademarks of a false prophet, which we need to know in these last days. It includes some specific reference to Billy Graham.
(See also
False Christs.)
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From the Just Do It tract. No other religion promises material provision to any who will spend their lives working for God and love. Jesus takes religion out of the realm of theory and into practical reality. This teaching led to his death, and will feature in future world events.
(See also
Why Did They Kill Jesus? and
Living by Faith.)
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What Jesus taught represented a threat to the status quo of his day... but only because they had lost sight of God and Truth and Love. They had become defensive of their institutions and their own sinfulness. Can you hear the truth, without reacting in hate and fear?
(See also
Peace that Disturbs, and
Why Did They Kill Jesus?)
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Rob takes a brief look at the amount of money that George W. Bush recommended giving to the banks in the U.S. to overcome the "economic crisis" and considers just how much it is costing the entire world's population to fund that little act of charity.
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In the tug of war between God and Money, the role of other people (especially family and friends) often becomes the focus when shifting from one master to the other, whether it really is the motivation or not.
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This is an abridged version of one of our most popular tracts (A New Economic Policy). Basically, it says that greed is destroying the world, and we need a new motivation to reverse the trend.
(See also
Wisdom, and
Surely, Not All Evils!)
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Ross discusses the dilemma that Christians are put in if they take the teachings of Jesus, where it is even difficult to get donations for charitable work, because the work must be kept secret.
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Simon compares real wealth with material abundance to see which one comes out on top.
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Some like the teachings, but not the Man. Others like the Man but not the teachings. Unless we accept both - the man and the teachings - we are hypocrites.
(See also
Belly Dancers.)
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Ever wonder what it is like living in a Christian community like ours, where there is no private ownership, we have to co-operate with everyone else in all of our plans and activities, and where we all live each day by faith, in obedience to god? It may be more fun than you imagine.
(See also
The Cure for Cancer, and
Smile, God Loves You!)
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The dark side of human nature can be seen most easily in the poor. Yet it is ugliest in the rich. If we see how callously evil we in the West are in relation to the Third World, it will be easier for us to love the unlovely in those countries.
(See also
The Problem with the Poor, and
More on the Poor.)
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It's easy to know what God's will is; but only when you are willing to conform to it. If you don't want to do what you know you should do, you'll find a hundred excuses to put off obeying him. But it isn't because you don't know what you should be doing.
(See also
The Fates, and
Willing To Be Made Willing?.)
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A train ride past the Kibera slums in Nairobi leads Dave to think about the need for practical demonstrations of love as opposed to theological correctness. Includes a statement from the U.S. Conference of the World Council of Churches.
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This gives a bit more detailed explanation about what is really happening when we ask people for a donation, and how we try to balance our evangelical thrust with our concern for the practical needs of the people to whom we minister.
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Following Roland's release from custody in Kenya, Dave discusses corruption in the prison system there and how it mirrors corruption worldwide. We cannot change the world until we deal with the root of all evil in ourselves. In particular, we need to fix our hope on an eternal kingdom in preference to any political solution.
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Christine takes a cynical look at what is going on in the minds of so many people when they are doing their Christmas shopping.
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You will notice that there are no stars on this article. The article is interesting, well written, and relevant to anyone who has ever asked for something in prayer and not received it. However, it does not provide an answer... just a warning. Still, there is a lot of good food for thought if you have ever wrestled with unanswered prayers. (Oh, and if you read it, do take time to read the one that follows: "Is It Really Dangerous?")
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A follow-up to "The Most Dangerous Verse in the Bible", in which "Graduate A" challenges the points raised in the article below.
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We all like the "fruit" of self-discipline; but few are willing to be disciplined to get it. Many non-Christians like our teachings, but still choke at the thought of committing their lives to Jesus... the source of those teachings. If the fruit is good, then you need to respect the tree.
(See also
A New Economic Policy.)
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We Jesus Christians have a special calling to point the world back to the teachings of Jesus. It is tempting to get sidetracked onto lesser goals which naturally spring out of our service to Jesus. But we must be constantly reminded to return to the basics.
(See also
Solid as a Rock, and
The Top Forty.)
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This Bible study was prepared for distribution outside a youth meeting in Sydney, which had the same theme (i.e. God and Money). Here is a brief, but comprehensive overview of what the Bible teaches about money.
(See also
I-Dollar-Tree and
The Root of All Evil.)
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Greed, pride, lust, and other vices are what lead people to being ripped off. There are many who will forsake all for selfish reasons (and get ripped off in the process), but very few will do it for God. How tragic, when you consider that only God can produce the goods and give us true happiness.
(See also
The Cure for Cancer, and
Smile, God Loves You!.)
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Christianity today is associated with the upper classes; yet these verses show that this is inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus.
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If it is blessed to be poor, then why try to help the poor to become rich? The answer is that we want to give them a choice. To be poor in spirit means choosing to be poor when you could be rich. Helping those who have no choice gives them that option.
(See also
Laziness, and
Bearing Burdens.)
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