Churchgoers don't mind us criticising other churches, but if the truth gets too close to home, sparks begin to fly. These are some of the articles over the years that have dared to question some sacred churchy assumptions. They conclude with a few articles that touch on some of what we have come up with as alternatives.

This article is arguably the best one of a collection of articles that Dave wrote over a period of two or three years, dealing with the problems he found personally with contradictions in the Bible, and the tendency for people to discard their faith altogether when confronted with them. It includes a detailed study of the resurrection story from all four gospels, leading to a discussion of the approach taken in the Jesus Seminars in the U.S. started some thirty years ago.
[See also
Mellowing Out.]
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Is it necessary to believe in miracles to be a Christian? Can the devil perform miracles? What is the greatest miracle? And exactly what IS a miracle anyway? Find the answers here.
(See also
Charismaniacs, and
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The benefits of getting people to say a prayer to "accept Jesus" are listed in this look at what is expressed in
John 1:12. The article is written as a comparison between what The Family teaches about becoming a Christian and what we teach; however, it is really a comparison between what we believe and what the average Christian believes.
(See also
Born Again,
Eternal Salvation, and
What is Faith?)
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Comparisons are made between ourselves, more respectable mainline religious organisations, and groups which even we might be inclined to see as "off", in an effort to find consistent criteria for weighing up various groups. Issues considered are: Finances, Leadership, The Second Coming, and Exclusivity.
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A long list of illustrations to show how The Golden Rule can help us in just about every area of our lives.
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Four different arguments for being a vegetarian are examined in this article, in an attempt to determine how much Christian/biblical support there is for this practice.
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A Hindu could be saved through faith in God the Supreme Creator; and an atheist could be saved through faith in Jesus the Teacher. That is the radical argument put forward in this article. Both claims are based on the grace of God, and the sacrificial blood of Christ, which eliminates the need for theological perfection in order to be saved.
(See also
Another Cornerstone,
In Search of Truth,
A Letter to a Friend, and
The Good Hindu.)
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Consider for a while that everything that happens has been predestined, and that any notion of free choice is just a myth. How would that change your life and how you think? Does anyone, in fact, really live as though they believe that? The case for predestination is examined in the light of all that Jesus taught and all that we experience every day.
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The history of the church has revealed many different ways for determining who is “saved” and who is not. This article lists many of them, and discusses their strong points as well as their weak points.
[See also
By This]
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The link between contrition and humility in a passage from Isaiah leads to some insights into how little contrition (and, by implication) how little humility there is in most religion.
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Being "worthy" (for a Christian) comes from realising that we are not worthy. All of our best efforts to please God will end in us becoming self-righteous if we forget about our unworthiness. Our understanding of God's grace must always keep us honest and humble about how much more we need to learn.
(See also
The Donor,
The Revolution, and
I Will Have Mercy.)
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This one requires points because it was mainly written in response to problems in Kenya. But it still contains a good summary of what we believe.
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Popular misunderstandings about prayer are addressed in this one, which challenges the prosperity gospel and related doctrines.
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It seems that an ability to question the norm, and to do something that starts out looking like it is anti-religious is a common trait in much that Jesus taught. Several illustrations are given to show how important it is that we learn to tell the difference between religion and true spirituality.
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An important reminder of our universal need for the forgiveness that only God can give to each of us through the sacrificial death of Christ.
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Ross considers how the churches treat the Sermon on the Mount like it is the "law" and the Ten Commandments" like they are the ultimate revelation of God, when exactly the opposite is true.
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Further comments on head coverings, but expanded to cover all visible symbols of invisible spiritual realities. Can we get the spirit of the ritual without using it as an excuse to discard the ritual altogether?
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A brief look at concepts like apology, confession, and repentance, in an effort to determine what God is really looking for. Forgiveness is not to be obtained through a pat formula for salvation, but only through a life-changing experience.
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An illustration by Tolstoy acts as a springboard for discussing what real faith is. It involves "walking in the light", "hungering" for more truth, and being "pure in heart", three aspects of sincerity. (See also
The Ultimate Source.)
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The "covering" teaching says that submission to a respected religious authority is necessary for salvation. And hordes of people believe it‚ assuming that anyone acting independently is incapable of hearing from God. Sick stuff. It is given a healthy dose of scriptural antibiotics in this article.
(See also
False Christs, and
I Will Have Mercy.)
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A film review of Robert Duvall's courageous effort to accurately portray American Pentecostal evangelicalism. He steers clear of both religious exaggeration and Hollywood scandal in an attempt to show the human side of the movement through a pastor's efforts to deal with his own feelings of guilt and failure.
(See also
Simple Salvation,
Charismaniacs, and
So, Who ARE They Following?)
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This Bible study from the first two chapters of Colossians reveals just how much Paul had to say about Jesus and his teachings, and how much he laboured to make those same teachings real in the lives of the people to whom he ministered. Far from teaching another gospel, Paul was there to support the Gospel which the early Christians had already received from the teachings of the Gospel writers.
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Many of our strongest supporters have been Roman Catholics. Several of us are members of the Catholic Church also. But that should not stop us from calling a spade a spade with regard to apostasy within that great religious institution. Here it is, without fear or favour.
(See also
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This is a collection of significant verses from the Bible on Health and Healing.
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These are some key verses from the Bible on the subject of The Holy Spirit.
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Are most people called to a "ministry of prayer" while only an elect few are called to go out into all the world and preach the gospel? What is the real motivation behind this teaching?
(See also
Superstition, and
The Donor.)
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Is Billy Graham a false prophet? For that matter does anyone even have the right to ask such a question, regardless of what the answer might be?
(See also
Born Again, and
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Evangelism is sometimes as easy as working out what people need, and then offering it to them. What you offer should come across as good news, and not something thrust down their throat. If it doesn't appeal to them, then it pays to either re-examine your message, or just move on to someone else who IS interested in what you are saying.
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Thousands of people were killed because they mispronounced one word. Do you judge others on the basis of their knowledge of religious passwords? Or are you able to discern sincerity (or a lack of it) through other means?
(See also
Discernment, and
The Ultimate Source.)
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For some it is Nature; and for others it is the Church. In both cases, the temptation is to worship and serve the creation rather than the Creator. Don't fall for it.
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Someone has said that certainty is the opposite of faith. Salvation does not go to those who profess most loudly that they have it. A shocking real-life illustration is used to bring home this truth.
(See also
Judgment Day, and
Eternal Salvation.)
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Being born again is more than just words or emotions. Dave talks about being born again by the Word of God and allowing ourselves to be broken and re-shaped by the teachings of Jesus.
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The sovereignty of God teaching, ironically, reduces God to a slave, trapped by a legalistic interpretation of the Bible. But beware! God really is sovereign. One day he is going to put a few people in their place for trying to tell him what he can and cannot do.
(See also
God's No Fool, and
Salvation by Bluff.)
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Key Bible verses regarding the topic of grace, that reveal that obedience to Jesus is part and parcel of receiving the grace of God.
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Dave examines the implications of asking God to help us to escape temptations when, surely, we all do have to face them if we are going to grow spiritually. (See also "Lead Us Away From Temptation".)
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In this Bible study, Alf looks at four different instances where Jesus taught the paradox of "the last shall be first", to come up with four important keys to spiritual success: forsaking all, serving others, being sincere, and being ever mindful of our own unworthiness.
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Two months after writing "Temptation", Dave takes yet another look at the reference to temptation in The Lord's Prayer, and offers another perspective.
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Jeremy touches on the calvinist argument that a person can never be lost spiritually after they "call on the name of the Lord".
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When The Family decided to drop their original name (Children of God), we decided that it was too good a name to let perish for fear of persecution, so we wrote this article to stake our claim.
(See also
Born Again.)
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How do we react to Bible stories about the power of God, when they seem to contradict our own experience? A balance between humility and honesty may lead us closer to the truth than would outright rejection of either our own real-life experiences or rejection of the stories of others just because we cannot relate to them.
(See also
Salvation by Bluff,
Heal the Sick, and
Armageddon for Beginners, chapter 3.)
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People often confuse religion with the kingdom of heaven, but in many ways they are quite opposite, as these verses will show.
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The Holy Spirit comes to teach us the difference between right and wrong. He does it by reminding us of Jesus' teachings. Any spirit not doing that must be suss. Learn how to tell the genuine from the counterfeit.
(See also
Try the Spirits, and
The Spirit of Christ.)
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