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In 1990, we toured America, preaching that the country was about to fall. We distributed a quarter million 23-page booklets entitled The Fall of America, and we were featured in over 200 newspaper, radio, and TV news items.

Our timing was psychic, but our message appeared to totally miss the mark; for later that same year it was communist Russia that fell, and not America. To this day America seems stronger than ever.

If we were wrong, we should be prepared to admit it, and learn from our mistake. The sooner we could put our error behind us and get on with the rest of what we are teaching, the better.

On the other hand, if we were right, it would be wrong for us to back down on something God has shown us simply because it appears to be unlikely to happen now. In fact, our prediction could even turn out to be more significant if it seems totally off the wall now, and then comes true at some time in the future. And that is pretty much how we feel in retrospect. We cannot see that our predictions were wrong.

If anyone had predicted that a world power the size of Russia would totally collapse in the space of a few months, no one would have believed them before 1990. How much more difficult it is for people to believe that America is going to be destroyed now, and that Russia is still going to be the force behind its destruction!

But that is what we are inclined to still believe. Our original prediction wasn't based on newspapers; it was based on an honest attempt to understand God's will from studying the Bible. So we should not let a few newspapers shake us too quickly now.

Our booklet The Fall of America is still available for those who wish to study the details of our original claim. They appear to be just as relevant now as they were before the collapse of communism.

Fundamental to our argument were passages in the Revelation (Revelation 17:3, and Revelation 17:16) where a whore (world capitalism) 'sits on' a beast (anti-Christian world communism), and the beast, in league with ten horns (ten other countries) hates the whore and "makes her desolate, burning her with fire."

Although the beast has not yet turned, certainly the whore is sitting on it now much more so than she was before we published our booklet.

In our booklet we suggested that the ten horns referred to a group of countries in the United Nations, which would help Russia to rule the world. Although it would seem like America could, in its own right, take over leadership of the world now that it is sitting on Russia, it has had to rely on the United Nations as justification for its muscle-flexing in places like Africa and the Middle East. The United States is giving the United Nations a militaristic role that it has never enjoyed before--one which we believe will eventually turn against its present manipulator.

But only time, and God, will tell.

(See also America.)

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