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Some outstanding examples of fulfilled prophecy are in Old Testament predictions about the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ, all written 4 to 15 centuries before his birth! Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, and Isaiah 9:6 said the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem of a virgin, and was to be called "the Prince of Peace" who had been in existence "from everlasting". 

His betrayal by Judas is seen in Zechariah 11:12-13 for "thirty pieces of silver"; his crucifixion in Psalm 22:16-18, where he says they "pierced my hands and feet"; and his resurrection in Psalm 16:10, where he says of his Father, "He will not leave my soul in hell."   

These are just a few of many fulfilled prophecies about empires, individuals, and world events which appear in the Bible, and which should convince us that the Bible is inspired by God.

Jesus said of his own prophecies, "I have spoken to you before it comes to pass, so that when it comes to pass, you might believe." (John 16:1-4, John 14:29)  The Bible contains God's plan for eternal life, the solid, genuine foundation of Truth on which we are building.  Paul said that our faith is built on the foundation of the apostles (New Testament writers) and prophets (Old Testament writers), with Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. (Ephesians 2:20)

In other words, the teachings of Jesus Christ are the standard by which we judge all things, even the words of the apostles and prophets.


What Happened to the Bible?

Today, we have the Bible and can read it for ourselves; but we have been so mentally conditioned that very few of us can see through all the rubble of churchy traditions to recognise the simple truths contained in it.  Jesus said of the church of his day: "They have made the commandments of God of no effect by their traditions." (Matthew 15:6) And that wasn't just then; it has happened today too.BB1 11
The Bible itself is just as good as ever, but only if we can sweep away all this churchy garbage and get back to the true foundation. To do this, we need a spiritual archaeologist. That is what this little book is trying to do, as we point you back to the true foundation of our faith ­ Jesus Christ. With each article that you read, more churchy rubble is being cleared away, so you can discover what the Bible really says.


2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All scripture (holy writing) is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." But it does not say that all truth is confined strictly to the Bible.

True prophecy won't contradict the Bible, but it can fill in a lot of gaps. There was a time when Moses' and David's writings and the apostles' and prophets' writings were new scriptures. Even Jesus was adding to the already accepted scriptures. And he told his followers, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them now.  However, the Spirit will guide you into all truth." (John 16:12-13)

Teaching that the Bible is the "complete" Word of God assumes God is dead and no longer able to speak.  Yet Peter tells us to speak as the oracles of God. (1 Peter 4:11)

There were prophets in the early church, and there should be prophets in the church today.  These are people who speak under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  As we yield to God's Spirit, the Word of God speaks through us. (Matthew 10:40) People today can be inspired by God just as much as anyone in the past ever was. In fact, that is one of the most significant changes that happened as a result of Christ's coming: now God's Spirit is not restricted to a few isolated "prophets" at a few significant times in their lives.  Instead, we can all be inspired (That word means "with the spirit in you".) every day, and we can all hear from God directly.


But of course we are not perfect; and that is the second error people make with regard to the passage quoted above. They assume "inspired" means "infallible". But it doesn't say that. There was only one infallible person in all of history, and that was Jesus Christ. That is why he is the Cornerstone by which we measure even the other Bible writers.
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If, for example, Jesus says, "Don't call anyone 'father'," (Matthew 23:9) and Paul tells Timothy that he is Timothy's spiritual father (1 Corinthians 4:15-17), whose example do we follow?
Paul's example? or Christ's example?
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Our understanding of Paul must be made to conform with what Christ said 
and not the reverse. 
Paul said that any time his teaching contradicts (or even appears to contradict) Christ's that we should curse him before we would use him as an excuse to disobey Christ (Galatians 1:8). And we must do the same with the teachings of everyone else as well.

100% Scripture?

Is every word in the Bible inspired?  Paul said at times that what he was writing was not inspired by God (1 Corinthians 7:6-25, and 2 Corinthians 11:17).  There are bits of the Bible that are only of historical interest; they could not be considered "profitable for doctrine". 

Knowing that Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren about the time the Israelites were carried away to Babylon (Matthew 1:11) is of interest to historians, but not likely to inspire people to change their lives.  "Scripture" means holy writings.  It takes more than a declaration to make something a holy writing.  That is why the Bible itself says our faith is built on the Old Testament prophets, and not on the Old Testament census keepers, etc.

Does the Bible contradict itself? If you compare Nehemiah 7:1-27 with Ezra 2:3-23, you will see more or less identical lists of the number of offspring in 20 different tribes. The two writers differ on 13 of the 20 tribes, sometimes by only one or two, but at other times by hundreds. It's not spiritually significant whether Zattu had 845 descendants or 945, but we cannot say that 845 does not contradict 945 as the biblolators would have us do.

The Word of God?

So, is the Bible the Word of God?  The Bible says that the Word of God is the same as God himself, that he/it created the universe. (John 1:1-3)  Did the Bible do this?
The Bible also says that Jesus is the Word of God. (John 1:14 and Revelation 19:13)

In Old Testament times the laws of Moses were referred to as the Word of God, but the New Testament makes it clear that Christ has superseded that imperfect understanding of the Word of God. (John 1:17)

Now, let's review what we have just said: Jesus is the Word of God, and the Word of God is infallible. Therefore Jesus is infallible. But other people are not the Word of God, and they are not infallible. They can have a measure of the Spirit of God to the extent that they receive Christ's teachings, and when they speak or write under his guidance they are "inspired".  Some of the Word of God can come through their words. But being inspired does not make them infallible.  This includes other Bible writers as well as people who are inspired by God today.

Cults make the mistake of assuming their leaders are infallible simply because they are inspired.  But only Jesus is infallible.  We are not called to be Luther-ans, Wesley-ans, Moon-ies, Mary-ans, or Paul-ians.  We are called to be Christ-ians.  For only Christ is the Word of God.

Uses for the Bible

Jesus is still in the process of guiding us into all truth, but don't think you don't need the Bible just be-cause you have God's Spirit. There is no record of the Word of God and all that he taught that compares with the Bible. Four different people, writing independently of one another, recorded some of the key teachings and actions of his life.

The degree of unity in what they have written is nothing short of miraculous. You may have God's Spirit leading you today, but you will only receive Him by receiving the teachings of Christ which are found in the Bible.

BB1 14"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17)
If we listen to Jesus, our faith will be in Jesus. The more we listen to him, the more our faith in God will grow.  When we know what God has said through Jesus, then we can be sure that he will honour it.  But faith that is built on anything else is going to lead to disappointment. 

If you listen to anything besides Jesus, you must be certain it conforms with the teachings of Christ. If it doesn't, then it won't strength-en your faith.  In fact, even though it might sound quite religious, it could actually prove to be harmful to your faith.

BB1 15The Word of God is our weapon against the strong hold the devil has on the hearts and minds of people.

"The weapons of our warfare (are spiritual), not carnal, and they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds." (2 Corinthians 10:4)

We are destroying the lies behind the visible, evil system.  But we can only do it with the Truth, which is contained in the teachings of Christ the Word of God.

Our weapon is "the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God" (which is the teachings of Christ). (Ephesians 6:17)

Although they are not equal to Christ, remember that the apostles and prophets are also part of the foundation on which our faith is built.  The Word of God is also found in what they have said.  So read what they have to say and apply it to your life as well.BB1 16

When the devil tempted him, Jesus quoted Old Testament scriptures and the devil turned tail and ran. The devil is a liar and the father of liars. He can't take the Truth. "Resist him and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

Learn scriptures and quote them when the devil tries to fight you.  Take up the white-hot sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and cut the devil to the heart!

We can also learn from the example of people in the Bible and throughout history.  When you are praying about what to do in a situation, think about similar situations in the Bible.  What did they do then?  Was it what God wanted them to do?  If so, can you do something similar in your present situation?

Don't forget to learn from your own experiences as well.  History repeats itself; so similar problems will come up over and over again, and we should be prepared for them next time.

Studying and Memorising the Word

We are going to teach the entire world one day. The prophet Daniel predicted, "They that understand among the people shall instruct many." (Daniel 11:3)

This should cause you to study and memorise not only to be a better Christian yourself, but so that you can teach others to teach others, etc. (2 Timothy 2:2)
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Although only the teachings of Jesus can be guaranteed to be continually up to date. (Hebrews 13:8) there's plenty that's worth memorising in the rest of the Bible; and there's much that God is saying through inspired individuals today which is worth memorising and quoting to people too, as long as it conforms with the overall spirit of what Christ taught.

Truth does not need to be spoken in Old English, or have a chapter and verse reference to be truth. 

Wherever we encounter Truth, we are encountering the Word of God.  Get the meaning of any verse or saying and then use your own words to make it relevant to the people that you are sharing it with.

Obeying the Word

If you obey what God shows you, he'll show you more truth.  And when you obey that, he'll give you more. (Luke 8:18)  Step by step as you follow him, he shows you more and more. (Isaiah 28:9-10)

The trouble with most Christians is they don't obey the little truth they have; as a result, God isn't able to give them more.  Instead, as Paul said, "Because they received not the love of the truth God (has given) them strong delusion." (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11)

If we'll listen, God will speak.  Jesus said, "If a person loves me, he should obey my words; and my father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him." (John 14:23)  May God help us to receive all that he wants to give!
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