But that only made them more determined to shut me up, and to keep anyone else from the truth of what I had to say.
But God promised me that they would be punished by mountain lions and desert wolves, if they flee to the country, and by Panthers if they return to cities.
SPARE THE ROD AND YOU SPOIL THE CHILD (5:7-9)“Listen to what you have done, and then tell me if you think I should excuse such behavior,” says the Lord. “The young people of this country have left me and put their faith in money... when it was really I who gave them their material blessings in the first place. To relieve their boredom, they have turned to sex and orgies. Like a horse which has been fed by hand in the morning, and had nothing else to do all day, they have been spoiled by their parents, and spend all their leisure time experimenting with sexual gratification.
“Don't you think that I owe it to those young people and their parents, to punish them? I wouldn't be doing my duty as their heavenly Father if I didn't.”
SOME PEOPLE DON'T DESERVE TO BE WARNED (5:10-14)God has already given instructions to the Russians to destroy America and especially to destroy her armaments, which are a disgrace to a so-called Christian nation. “The United States and Israel are both traitors to me,” he said. “They have been a massive disappointment. I've gone to a great deal of trouble to warn them both, and they think it is a big joke. They say my messengers are full of hot air, and are just twisting the Bible. But in actual fact, it is they who are full of hot air, and who twist the Bible.”
As punishment for this, God promised me that what I say will become like a fire, and the people of America will become like wood. God's word in my mouth will destroy them. So how is that for hot air!
CLUES (5:15-19)“I'll bring a nation against America,” God promised. “It's a powerful and ancient nation, which speaks a different language to yours. Their armaments are almost unlimited, and they are not afraid to use them. They'll devour your orchards, your crops, your cattle and your sheep, and destroy the big cities in which you've put your faith.
“But there will be a few survivors, and when people begin to ask, “why is this happening to us?” It will be the job of those who survive to say, “we've left God; so now he's left us.'”
RICH FOOLS (5:20-31)Here is the message which must be published throughout America and Israel:
Listen, you people who have been turned into brainwashed zombies! Don't you have enough sense to fear your Creator? I've established the coastlines of the world, and if the mighty oceans cannot change the limits which I have set for them, then why do you think that they can defy me?
But America is a rebellious nation, full of revolting people! They don't even try to humor me in an effort to keep me blessing their harvests. Instead, they shake their fists in my face. As punishment, I will take my blessing away from them.
The sin of the churches is that they use people, to make money, rather than using money to help people. There is more deceit in the churches of America than there are feathers in a chicken coop. How else do you suppose they've become so rich? Churchgoers are the greediest of the lot in America. They leave social welfare to the government, and concentrate on prosperity teachings and building programs instead.
Can anyone dare to suggest that God should overlook this? Isn't it the safest forecast one could make to say that God will seek revenge on such arrogant rebellion? The hypocrisy of the American churches is one of the wonders of the modern world! The prophets tell blatant lies, and the priests use their positions to promote themselves, and the people think it is all just great. But the lies and prestige will be no help at all when the end comes.
SINNERS IN THE HANDS OF AN ANGRY GOD (6:6-14)The Lord himself is organising the destruction of the U.S.A. “This is the place to attack,” he says. “It is full of exploitation. Greed and competitiveness flow from America like water from a faucet. I am constantly reminded of the people this country has trampled on to get where it is today.
“Listen to what I am saying, America, or there will be no survivors at all! Those who do survive will be taken as prisoners, or they will escape as refugees to other countries. No one will be left here. So make your plans accordingly.”
But who is going to pay any attention to such a message? They have been conditioned to think of prophets of doom as big jokes. Just saying that God has sent me at all means to them that I must be a kook. Now I understand why God is so angry, for I too am totally fed up with them. I'll go to the young people and to the universities instead. Let married couples and oldies die together if they like!
“And I will destroy their houses, properties, and wives,” God promised. “It'll be my punishment for their rejection. Everyone in the country, from newspaper boys to presidents, is trying to make more money (
Colossians 3:5) And everyone, including the church leaders, is dishonest as a result. The only consolations the churches care to offer anyone have been philosophies about positive thinking, that don't really work anyway.
CHRISTIANITY VS CHURCHIANITY (6:15-25)Does America's service to Mammon embarrass her? Of course not! She cannot see that it is an abomination to God. (
Luke 16:13-15) So God will have to destroy her when the time comes.
This is not some new, far-out doctrine. Have a look at your Bibles, and you'll see it's what Jesus came to teach. (
John 14:6) He wants you to enjoy the rest that he is offering, but you choose to remain in the sickening rat race instead. (
Matthew 11:28-30)
Take a look at the Revelation too, and you will see God's trumpet warnings about the coming Tribulation. Yet the churches have taught that

Jesus will come back before all of this, and we will float to heaven on beds of ease. (I Corinthians 15:52;
Revelation 8:6-12) But you have no excuse, for I'm telling you quite clearly right now what to expect. The whole world must be told that God is about to judge the United States of America.
'Positive Thinking' without positive obedience can only result in positive destruction.
God says, “I am not impressed with beautiful cathedrals, big name entertainers, or professional movies.” These extravaganzas have become a trap to their creators, as well as for those who attend them. Gaudy showmanship has made the churches sitting ducks for their enemies.
And the 'duck' hunters will come ... from a country north of America, a powerful country, a country so big that is wraps itself around the sides of the earth. They are a cruel nation, which will show no mercy. Great herds of them will invade this country with weapons in their hands, searching out anyone who has escaped the air attacks.
You know who I am talking about. The United States has been worried about them for many years, and now they have more reason to be fearful. Their infiltration into every strata of American society has made people almost afraid of their own shadows.
PRECIOUS PEARLS? OR FOOLS' GOLD? (6:26-30, also Matthew 13:45-46)It's time to get serious with God. Start praying as though your life depended on it... because it most certainly does! When the attack begins, it'll be too late to start praying then.
This may be all the warning that you will get. If you reject what God has given me to give you, then you will have judged yourselves.
All I seem to find are rebels against the truth, who try to justify themselves by putting me down. I looked for gold and found only brass and iron. The purifying fire of the Word has been wasted on them, because they refuse to hear it. What I have to say is so 'hot' that it can melt lead and burn bellows; but it's still useless if they tear it up without reading what I have to say. Their prosperity is fools' gold. (
Revelation 3:17-18) They'll never discover their mistake in time, however, because they don't want to know the truth, and God certainly is not interested in their foolishness.
YOU CAN'T PUT GOD IN A BOX (7:1-16)God told me to stand outside the churches and proclaim this message:

Change your ways and I will let you stay in this land. But don't kid yourselves into thinking that church attendance is going to do you any good. People have called these buildings 'temples', 'churches',and 'the house of God' for long enough. These are all lies.
If you really want to change your ways, then love your neighbours; take personal responsibility for refugees, orphans, and widows, and stop working for the gods of this world (who are slave drivers anyhow). Then I will let you go on living here.
But you would rather hear lies, which won't bring you true happiness at all. You'd rather serve in the temples of Mammon all week long and then come here on Sunday to hear preachers tell you that God has forgiven you for all of this so that you can keep on doing it.
This isn't my house at all. It is the hideout of some of the biggest thieves in the country. If you can't see it, at least I can.
Have a look at what happened to the Jewish temple when the people in it refused to accept the teachings of my Son, (cf.
John 2:13-22, and
Matthew 24:1-2)
Now you are doing exactly the same things... despite all my efforts to show you the truth. So I will have to do the same thing to you that I did to the Jews. Your temples will be destroyed, and I will cast you out of my sight as I did the Jews.
Then God told me not to even pray for the churches of America, because he doesn't want to hear about them, he's so disgusted.
DEAD WORKS! (7:17 – 8:3)Do you see what is happening to America? The Protestant Work Ethic is no more Christian than Catholic idolatry, and worship of Mary as the “Queen of Heaven”.
“Can you treat me like an enemy, and not expect that I will treat you like one as well,” asks God. “My anger will become fire, which will consume people, animals, trees, and the grass of the fields.
“Take your work ethics and religious traditions and stick them! My son never taught any of it. But he did teach simple obedience to my commands, something you've totally ignored. Your so-called improvements have not been improvements at all, but rather perversions.”
Then God told me, “You're not the first person who has said these things to America. There have been others... many others. And America has had Christ's teachings in her millions of un-read Bibles for centuries. But the people couldn't be bothered to read them. And their attitude

toward prophets has been even worse than that of the Jews. So don't be surprised when they refuse to hear what you say as well. Just tell them that they are a disobedient nation full of liars, who cannot be told anything.”
Shave your heads, and take up a lament for America! The churches have sealed her fate, by polluting Christianity with greed (
Colossians 3:5) – the abomination that has made her desolate.
Sects like the People's Temple and Children of God have sacrificed their children in attempts to prove their righteousness... something I never commanded. But this is what happens when people start making up their own rules, and doing their own works.
The time is coming when this will no longer be recognized as a land of hard workers, but as a land of death. There will be no room in the cemeteries for all the dead. Bodies will be left on the ground to rot, long after the war is over. The 'good life' will come to an end throughout the country. There will be no more reason for mirth when the 'desolation' is complete. Religious and political leaders will be left dead on the ground along with the masses. Their rotting bones will be exposed to the moon and the planets that they spent so many billions of dollars trying to reach. All of their efforts will have literally amounted to a great heap of shit! And those who survive will wish they hadn't, as they suffer the effects of radiation and the humiliation of being refugees.
SHOOT FIRST, AND THEN DRAW THE TARGET WHERE YOU HIT! (8:4-12)God says to the people of America: If you fall down, you admit it and get back up again, don't you? If you lose your way on a trip, you make efforts to get back on the right road again, don't you? So why has this country chosen to stay down, and to stay lost forever? Your religious pride has forced you to add one lie to another, in defense of your fallen state.
I listened to see if you really were worshipping me as you claimed in your churches. But none of you sincerely repented for your disobedience. Like a horse charging ignorantly into a battle in which it will be killed, you defend your self-righteous stands, without any thought for the consequences that awaited you if you were wrong.
“Dumb birds know enough to follow instincts that I have given them; but this country is full of morons who lack the ability to use the brains I have given them. How can you dare to brag about your theological qualifications when you aren't at all interested in what Jesus actually taught – only in twisting his teaching to fit your own vanity. Are the church leaders embarrassed by their ignorance? They should be, for they certainly aren't getting away with anything. Their hypocrisy is patently obvious to anyone who has not rejected God's Word.
“The church leaders have divorced me. So I'll take their wives, as well as their possessions, away from them. Everyone in this country, from school children to corporation executives is dedicated to making more money, and everyone from local preachers to big-time evangelists is dishonest. All that anyone can offer in the way of spiritual solutions is ineffectual pop psychology and philosophical hot air.
“But are they embarrassed? No way! They see nothing to be embarrassed about. They fall in the mud and just lie there as though that was their intention in the first place. So I'll play the same game and walk over top of them where they lie when the time comes,” says God.
“I blessed America once,” says God, “but now it's time to replace that with a curse.”
Why doesn't anyone heed this frightening warning? We should drop everything right now, and wait quietly before God for some hope of deliverance. We have been sentenced to death, but we pretend it'll never happen. Churches lure people with promises of divine healing and heavenly bliss, when they should be preparing them, instead, for the Great Tribulation.
The noise of bombers and their payloads will shake this nation. The Russians may be 'devils', but it'll take more than charismatic exorcism games to stop them now. I try not to think about the attack, but I keep hearing the sound of people crying when it comes. I hear them saying, “Where is God? We're a Christian country, and he should be protecting us.”
“You forced me to do it,” he'll reply. You tried to see how far you could push me with your constant chasing after more consumer goods and fads!”
I cannot stop feeling the pain that this country will soon be experiencing. I've dressed in mourning. If the churches don't like what I'm saying, then let them produce a solution. And if they have a solution, why hasn't it worked before now?
DIS-HONEST TO GOD (9:1-6)Sometimes I want to cry and I cannot. My mourning is deeper than tears. Sometimes I just want to get away from this country and forget about it altogether.
You never know who is your friend and who isn't in America. Americans have big mouths and big weapons, which they are quick to use for dishonest causes. But when it comes to really speaking the truth, they are some of the biggest cowards on the earth.
I cannot even trust my own family, much less my neighbors because every one of them is a traitor and a coward when persecution comes. To my face they are full of sweetness and promises; but behind my back they are full of slander. Americans are experts at telling lies and feigning sincerity. They work themselves to exhaustion in disobedience to God.
“You're surrounded by liars,” God warned me. “If they won't be honest with me, don't expect them to be honest with you.”
FALSE GODS (9:23-26)
American educators have nothing to be proud of. Her military experts have no room to boast. And her corporations have no cause for confidence. (I Corinthians 1:27-29)
True wisdom, true security, and lasting prosperity can only come through obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ (
Matthew 7:24), who taught universal love and social justice, NOT water baptism and other outward rituals – the sort of things in which American churches put so much trust. Unless there's a change in your heart, a little bit of water isn't going to make you any more Christian than the worst heathen in the world.
(Mark 1:8, Acts 1:5, 19:4-6, I Corinthians 1:17, John 4:2)OH CHRISTMAS TREE (10:1-12)

And speaking of heathens... the number of prominent church people dabbling in astrology in America is just one more evidence of how godless this nation had become. How can people be so stupid as to believe that inanimate planets have anything at all to do with their destiny. Stop looking to the stars for answers and start looking to Christ.
Here's another heathen ignorant tradition:
They go to the forest and cut down a tree with an axe. They hammer it to a support with nails, so that it will not fall over. And then they deck it with silver and gold.
It's a big, beautiful work of art. But what good can it do for anyone? It can't speak. It can't move. It's a useless hunk of junk.
We Christians know that such idols are nothing in themselves. They possess no spiritual power for either good or evil. But the tragedy is that man's time, which really pertains to God alone, is squandered on such useless things (and the gifts that go with them), when they are just insignificant material objects, or 'stock'.
Unfortunately, modern industrialism has created a worldwide market for such stock, from silver and gold trinkets, to thousand dollar furs. And at Christmas time, all of this masquerades as a tribute to Christ. But it's really a monument to man's capitalistic pride and vanity.
God alone can create life, reveal truth, and outlast the idols of man. When he gets upset, the earth itself will tremble.
So you children must understand that your toys are going to be taken away from you. You have been naughty little boys and girls, and Daddy will have to burn all your idols, to teach you a lesson. (This verse was written to Jews in the language of Babylon – perhaps to insult them, and to emphasise how heathen and ignorant they had become.)
CHOOSE YOUR WEAPONS (10:13-22)God has created the earth and the universe, and he controls the weather from day to day. By comparison to his creative power, humans are just ignorant beasts. We think we are the creators, but we are only creations ourselves. God confounds the founders and confuses the fusers,

proving that modern technology is grossly exaggerated. Man has never really created anything. At best, we only stumble onto discoveries about God's creation. When faced with death, every technician will discover just how stupid he really is.
But those who put their faith in God do not have this problem. Since God has created us, he can anticipate and provide for our every need.
So choose your weapons carefully. If you think possessions can bring security then you had better get a lot of them; because God has promised to splatter people all over the countryside; and that's when you'll discover where your priorities should have been.
It hurts to have one's false sense of security threatened, I know; because I've experienced it myself. I lost my home. My wife and children left me. I went to my pastor and he was as much help as a dog. (I can tell you now that church leaders are not interested in God's will, and consequently will be of little use to their flock when the trouble begins.)
Today's prophecy will be tomorrow's history. When the holocaust from the north is over, only lizards will want to live in the cities of America.
A PRAYER FOR MERCY (10:23-25)Lord, man's efforts to save himself are totally futile. It's like trying to lift himself by his own boot straps. So, if I must be punished, then help me to accept it and to learn by it. I don't want to make you so angry that I will be totally destroyed. Save your unbridled wrath for those nations that are now so eager to destroy this country for their own selfish reasons.
OBEDIENCE-- THE MARK OF A TRUE CHRISTIAN (11:1-8)God told me to study the teachings of Jesus and then to tell the people who call themselves followers of Christ that they will be damned if they refuse to obey Christ's commands.
Jesus showed us how to escape the fears and pressures of organized religion and enjoy the glorious liberty of the children of God. But this is only possible if we accept ALL that he said, and not just the bits and pieces that suit us. (See Part III of this book; “Mountains and Molehills”, which is a verse by verse commentary on the teachings of Christ from the Sermon of the Mount.)
God told me to prepare a study on the teachings of Christ, and to publish it in America as a part of his protest against this country. God said, “I have been trying since this country was founded, to get people in it to obey my Son, but they pretend that religious clichés make them Christians, when in fact they only follow popular opinion and religious traditions. Now it's time to fulfill Christ's promise that his teachings will judge people in the last days.” (
John 12:48)
REBELS AGAINST THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (11:9-23)God told me, “The various ecumenical movements are 'conspiracies' more than true Christian unity. They are based on Pharasaical Jewish concepts of religion, and not on the New Testament. Human organisations have become their gods, and my leadership is not being sought.
“So I will bring troubles upon their supporters, troubles for which their super-church has not prepared them. They'll cry for help and find none.
“The city system rat race has been the god of America, and her shopping centers have become her places of worship to Mammon.
“Don't pray for the churches! The Bride of Christ has become the Whore of Babylon! She even brags about her prosperity!”
The Christian church is supposed to be a symbol to the world of the values Christ taught. (
Matthew 7:20) But organized churches today are rotten and dead. The sooner they are destroyed the better. (
Luke 3:9) This isn't my judgment on the churches; it is God's judgment, and it is the churches' judgment on themselves. They have asked for it by promoting the capitalistic system.
By following the teachings of Christ, I have discovered that it is possible for every Christian to literally live by faith in today's world. But God showed me that my discovery was causing embarrassment in the churches. I had assumed that the pastors would share my excitement, but instead, they became like murderers, trying to do everything in their power to keep people from hearing the things I had to say.
Lord, you know who is sincere and who is not. Please do something about them!
In reply, God said, “The people who try to silence you will be utterly and totally destroyed. The few who will survive the holocaust will not be members of their families. When my punishment comes, they and all their children will die by violence and by starvation.
JEREMIAH'S CONTENTION (12:1-6)God, I know you must know what you're doing, but I have a few questions that need answers. Why do the cheats and thieves in the system keep getting away with their treachery? It's almost like you are on their side, the way they continue to prosper. Some even say that they got their wealth from you, when it's easy to see that they are insincere.
You know that I have honestly tried to do your will-- even when it has cost me everything. So, please vindicate me against these enemies! They're not only my enemies, but they are enemies of the whole earth, as they strip the planet of its wildlife and of its resources, with no thought for future generations.
Then God said, “If you cannot outrun mere humans, how will you go when racing against horses? If you're ready to drop your faith now, while things are relatively peaceful, how will you go when faced with death? If you lose patience with the wickedness of multi-nationals and corporation executives, how will you go when you learn that your own family has betrayed you, is calling the authorities to have you arrested? Don't be fooled by their friendly exterior.”
PUTTING THE CHURCH OUT OF HER MISERY (12:7-13)God continued: “Let me tell you what I have had to endure. I have had to leave the church which my Son died for. I have had to hand those whom I love dearly over to their enemies. My wife has become like a rabid dog, or a bird of prey, turning on me and attacking me. And I have been forced to have her shot.
“Many pastors share responsibility for destroying the church. They have trampled my teachings and rejected my messengers. (
Matthew 23:28-29) Now my teachings will become a sword of death, seeking out and destroying every one of them, from one end of America to the other. All their efforts to get rich led them to this. I'll teach them to be ashamed of their prosperity, and what they have had to do to get it.”
A FINAL WORD TO RUSSIA (12:14-17)God said to Russia, and to any nation which lifts its arms against America, “You will never destroy those who sincerely serve me. I will pluck them out of this land before you can touch them. I will give them a place of refuge, and I will have compassion on them. And if anyone from any other nation will join them, and diligently learn the ways of my Son, to serve Him the way they once served Mammon, then I will build them up into a great nation.
“But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation,” saith the Lord.