Some men find it painful to admit to themselves that they indulge in wanking, much less acknowledge such a practice to their friends or even to their GP.
Paradoxically, masturbation is despised by religious prudes and liberated machos alike. Prudes see it as sinful, and machos see it as a sign of weakness. Yet both parties practice it. Here is the ultimate in sexual hypocrisy. All of the arguments used against wowserism and double standards in every other area of sex have overlooked the number one offender. While "self-abuse" as it used to be called, is practised almost universally, it is also done so with almost universal shame.
Many people have found it liberating to be able to speak freely about their fantasies, about their sexual preferences, and about other practices which were once frowned upon. But how much more liberating it would be if people could overcome the dictates of their biological needs when those dictates interfere with other goals. And that is exactly what masturbation represents. It is the safety valve on the sexual pres-sure cooker. Masturbation stops us from exploding in unacceptable or inappropriate ways.
I spoke about this quite frankly with a fellow minister once, in an effort to get him to realise the positive side of masturbation. He eventually confided to me that in his youth ("Before I became a Christian, of course!") he had gone out on a date with a girl that he greatly respected. He did not want to scare her off by being too forward, so he stopped at a petrol station and went into the toilet to relieve himself in more ways than one. And, of course, it worked.
Yet this same minister teaches boys in his congregation that they are guilty of a great sin if they indulge in masturbation. A lot more than adultery occurs when people refuse to masturbate. Paedophilia, incest, rape, homosexuality, bestiality, all of these practices seem to be tolerated more by a church which refuses to speak the liberating truth about masturbation.
The traditional reason given for condemning masturbation within the Christian church is that Jesus Christ taught that it was just as bad to "look on a woman with lust" as it was to actually commit adultery with her. In other words, the thought was as bad as the action. So a teaching developed that thinking about sex (which obviously occurs during masturbation) is evil whether you indulge in the practice that you have thought about or not.
Some tried nobly to suppress all thoughts of sex, only to discover that they resurfaced, often in more bizarre forms than they
And the same is true of the most extreme "holiness" cults. Covering women's bodies will not take away the God-given, biological urge to have sex. Nor is clothing going to stop the war that rages in the minds of people who feel guilty about sexual thoughts.
Some Amish groups have succeeded in stopping all forms of ejaculation for extended periods of time, only to develop cancer from the rotting semen inside their sex organs.
Others have taken the attitude that, if they are going to fry in hell anyway, they might as well get as much pleasure out of this life as they can before the final judgment.
So a rule aimed at teaching greater morality has led to greater immorality, both from those who have thrown it out as too hard and from those who have tried their hardest to follow it.
The mistake is that people confuse "thinking about sex" with "lust". Lust is actually wanting to do something that you know is wrong. There are plenty of people who lust these days. And it is not limited to matters pertaining to sex.
Let's say, for example, that you like pavlovas. You don't feel guilty about this, do you? But if the only way you can get one is to steal it from your neighbour, then fulfilling your desire could mean doing something that you know is wrong (i.e. stealing). You can desire the pavlova all you want, and even (just for the fun of it) fantasize about stealing it; but if the bottom line is that you would not actually do it (because you know it is wrong), then you have not sinned. But if you would steal it if you could get away with it, and you held back simply because you were afraid of being caught, then you are spiritually guilty of the act (robbery) whether or not you ever get up enough courage to actually do it.
You have "lusted" for the pavlova, by wanting it more than you want to do what is right. But the pavlova (i.e. the thing you desired) is not wrong in itself.
Applying this to sex, the sin is not in desiring sex (since that is as universal a desire as the desire for food), nor is it in fantasising about sex. The sin is in wanting to actually perform a sexual act that you know is wrong, and then refraining from doing it only out of fear about what people would think of you or what they would do if they found out.
Being turned on by a rape scene in a movie (or a detailed description of one in a book) is not the same as actually wanting to rape someone. And if you felt the scene was tempting you to rape someone, then masturbating as a result of the fantasy turn-on is the best way to overcome the temptation and to stop yourself from indulging in the action in real life.
Masturbation is the universally legitimate way to satisfy your sexual appetite without indulging in something else which may not be legitimate. If there was more masturbation, there would be a lot less incest, fewer rapes, less infidelity in marriage, etc.Instead of trying to stop people from masturbating, the church should be encouraging them to do so, thus leaving them free to choose (without the over-riding pressure of a sperm build-up) not to do those things that God has forbidden.
Much of this has relevance to females as well. Many marriages would be happier if wives weren't so riddled with feelings of guilt about their own need for sex. There is a popular myth that people cannot live without sex, and it suggests that God is unreasonable to expect people to remain faithful in marriage, chaste outside of marriage, and single if their first marriage fails. But people can live without engaging in sex with another person; and to do so does not require some impossible level of discipline.

In conclusion, we should ask ourselves: Was Jesus Christ fully human? If so, did he have wet dreams? (For if you don't masturbate, then sooner or later, the semen will come out through "nocturnal emissions".) And if this happened to Christ, would he have had thoughts about sex at the moment of ejaculation? The obvious answer is Yes. For ejaculation itself is sex. And if Christ was without sin, then thoughts about sex (and ejaculations outside of marriage) must not be any more sinful than eating or going to the toilet.
It is only cultural brainwashing that has taught us otherwise.
As a sexually frustrated, religiously uptight youth I used to look forward to wet dreams, because it was the one time when I was free to indulge in activities and thoughts which were forbidden to me during the daytime. And yet even these were marred by the fear that the dream might not be just a dream. How much better to consciously choose to fantasise (and masturbate) while awake. For me, this became a guilt-free option only when I discovered that there was absolutely nothing forbidding it in scripture.
One of the cleverest ways the church has ever found to control the masses has been to make masturbation a sin. The consequence has been that the most dishonest (i.e. the ones who try to give the impression that they don't masturbate) are looked on as being the most holy, while more honest believers are made to feel guilty and in need of absolution from the hypocrites.
Anyone interested in a genuine revival of sexual morality and sincere faith within Australia should consider the possibility that the first step in that direction might be to enlighten the masses on their right (and perhaps even their responsibility) to masturbate.
At the same time, those who suffer from guilt because of the secular myth that real men don't wank need to stand up to that lie as well. The result will be a happier, healthier society.